I'm just sorry for you that your filmcrew made such a crappy job in locating the perfect place for shooting your next movie...
As you can see in my header the conditions where I live are excellent and would have left you and your team with nothing else to wish for. We even have an old SAAB standing in our barn. Up in the woods we would have offered you our little "kojja", that's located in a very private place, where you and your fellow actorbuddies could have blown each other to pieces without disturbance of the local newspapers.
I even spent two weeks in USA last spring so I would have provided you all with perfect coffee the american style; hot, a lot and weak.
I 'm sure you'd enjoyed our local specialty, the kolbulle, a dish that I'm an expert on making. It's like a pancake fried in lot's of grease from fat pork... sounds delicious, doesn't it
Well well. There is nothing to get all excited about. I'll just keep on with my laundry and the cleaning up.
Maybe next time...
Me bitter? naa, not at all...